A French River Adventure

By Heidi Klose

Image of the book cover beside a photo of a bookshelf and opened book on a table.

A French River Adventure

By Heidi Klose

Createspace (2014)
174 pages, $16.39

With summer just around the corner, I am always looking for books to add to my Summer Reads list.

If you can’t wait for summer campfires, canoeing and spending time in the great outdoors and you like a good mystery, then you should add A French River Adventure to your own Summer Reads list.

This book is written by an OSSTF/FEESO member and self-published. The author, Heidi Klose, is a two-time Grammy nominee and has been writing children’s stories, poems and songs for many years.

A French River Adventure is appealing to a wide family audience and is a thoroughly enjoyable read that weaves mystery, history and the supernatural into a classic outdoor Canadian backdrop. Curl up in a hammock on a warm summer day and drop into this French River mystery with Abby, Madeline, Michael and David as they discover the answer to “Who is Pierre and what does he want?”

The book blends the history of the voyageurs into a supernatural mystery that draws the family and friends together into ways that last far past the summer. You’ll never guess the outcome of how the mystery is solved, and it’s worth the read to find out.

You can be sure you’ll want to read the next installment!

About Vanessa Woodacre
Vanessa Woodacre is a member of District 14, Kawartha Pine Ridge, and is a teacher in a Section 23 classroom.

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